Monday, May 31, 2010

Soccer :D

2nd post of the day. Too bored alre. Jus noticed that w/o my title , my posts are like so damn bloody confusing. Haiz. Neither am i gonna add in the title so im gonna spam posts until it covers them. Great idea eh?

Soccer. Wonderful wonderful art. But i just don't understand why the stupid StarHub and Singtel go make it $70 for a world cup. Crazy. Now i cant watch the world cup now. Fark. And yes, for my galacticos football, i can't believe i need to play 1000 matches to unlock legends. Zzzz. I still got 100 matches to go. Argg. Seriously, i need a life. -.-'' going crazy about this kind of games makes me feel like im a no-lifer. O.o

Tommorow there's oral exam. Can't really say that im scared or smt. But then i feel like not studying for it. Well obviously, who has the mood to study during holidays? O.o and the " hui hua " is damn scary. -.-'' lets flunk this idiot shit.

LOL. Maple is now level 25+ ( already 60+ % ) and yesh, im now kinda addicted to it. " OMG? " OMG. If u have the time, go listen to We Are The World for Haiti. 3:14. Theres some stupid voice that makes me laugh =DD. omg ahahhaha.

Currently doing? :
Downloading Firefox
Wondering if i should go do my homework
Downloading DJMax Fever

-.-'' can see why my life is so boring eh? bla bla bla.
Ok guys. Off to do homework ( again ) .

Start of Holidays :)


Yepp. Its the start of the holidays. Wee~
XD XD XD XD XD XD. And still im getting no links :( maybe i should go search my history. OHYA. Ohkayy, get tagged ppl. =D

Hm... today. What shall i do? Alright, i shall put my list of things down. OMG THIS BLOG SOUNDS LIKE SOME ESSAY -.- -retry- zzz ahh well, since im so bored, -.-. LOL ok.

And now, im stuck with these few games sia. Damn Bloody gay. Mh,dota and maple. What a boring life. Ohya, im gonna do...
- playing ( psp,com )
- soccer ( if thr's ppl playing)
- homework ( so that i can chiong playing -.- )

Yepp. Thats about it.
Bleh, off to tagging. cya

Sunday, May 30, 2010


My life is really damn screwed. ah well. gonna ask ppl for tags -,-
finally, after like 10days w/o posting, i have a different blog now.~~
hmm. cant say its really as awesome. ah well, bleh. -,-

i just realized that all my links are being deleted!!! @!&&%@!&@%!@&!%@ . dammit guys. please tag agn. Ohya,i can find them at my cbox. tada!

ahhh june holidays hav started but...well im seriously bored here. LOLS. no soccer, ( world cup is coming! =D ), no gatherings ( only 1 or 2 or maybe more ). yeah... my life is screwed man.

ok im gonna tag those ppl now. cya~

Thursday, May 20, 2010

erm sorry. gonna change a new blogskin tmr. so i go screw it up for fun. haha. ps

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

53rd post. =D

Ahh... Ps this few days nvr blog. Busy playing while i could. XD. well i got a bad feeling today is my last day touching my com till june hols so i jus blog lo. :(( stupid results day and it happened on my bday. FARK.

And yes, to sum off. Quite a fun week. =D


Well, it was the end of exams so we just slacked and we just played in class lo. Nth much really. After school then me, fabian, bryan, shahaan,eremus went to tampines mall and bought Ariff a soccer ball! Owingi colour. :D. Hahaha. Long John Silver is nice but the service is suckish. Talk until uber fast then i jus okok. Then i look at the machine then OMG $9. Then i say no side-dish. In the end fabian paid extra i think. >< . LOL. Funniest was when we gave money to her then she say " i receive $5 dollar ". omg haha. robot. Then after buying the ball we went to Starbucks. Wa eremus damn rich lent fabian and bryan $10. Pro loh. Then we talk abt those funny things in school. =D. " chairchairchair" XD.


Umm nth much happened tho. EXCEPT FOR THE MOVIE AT THE AUDITORIUM. Yeah that was SUPER RETARDED. We at 1st went into the auditorium, thinking about ironman 2, shrek and 2012 stuff. Then 1st thing, they didnt on the air-con. 2nd, WE WATCHED SOME STUPID DOCUMENTARY FOR 2H. THE STUPID NATURE GREAT EVENTS. S^#@$#. We watched how Grizzly Bear catched Salmon and Polar Bear catch seals. -.-''.


Went to Burger King with bryan. Then we saw Firhan and his gf. =DDD.
Hahaha. Then sudddenly she say what " shuyi said u were shorter than "..." , where got loh! ". Dunno what she toking bout :O

Yeah, will post again soon if i can tho. Cya~

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hihi. 51th post. Shiokkk


hehe. xD
ps to nic cause i joined jin hunting squad. more active mah.. xD

lol. skillet- ''hero'', ''whispers in the dark'' v.nice. thanks jin. ^^

and yeah, nth to play so i've decided to go blog agn. lalala.
damn bored nowadays, well i on com for so fking long but then dunno wad i doing ><
15 mins sound horn then galacticos football and mafia wars. ><
shld i go play maple???? nahh. haha

lool. spain world cup kit it is. cause germany one like v.plain. actually both also v.plain. GAHH. soccer boots also like... dun go play soccer often ( during school days ) and also, bad news. cant go vivo now . -.- FARK.

haiz. sian.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sorry 2nd post of today. But then i've got some good news. =D

First, my problems are solved cause... WOOHOO I GOT THAT MAP-PIECE FROM THE MOUSE. WOO.

Sweet =D. woo im gonna explode.
and then thr's the class tee. wonder what i would it be like tho. hope its nice. =D

And i completed the mujengo! only to find that thr's a hidden mujengo. -.-'' nvr fails me tho. pokemon last time i so naive tot after elite 4 then no more to play alr then keep like drag. then found out still gt so much. kns.

and yeah, now im damn excited now. got maple to go, class gatherings, small gatherings, wee. im gonna explode. =D

ok. cya~
Hey :D

Sad lo. No-one's viewing my blog again. Ah well, dun really care alr. LOL. 49th post alr. XD

Todays gonna be a boring day tho. T.T
Going swimming at 3 then... Go ah gong hse for his + my birthday. =D

Tmr more fun. Go vivo buy present. xD. yay haha.

LOL. My galacticos football now alr. XD. But then the fixtures run out damn quickly. Haiz... Went to play X Hero Siege ytd wif ben. Damn boring lo. 3 mins then one wave. wth?

Yeah, OMG by Usher so damn nice. EVERYONE GO LISTEN.
haha. =D

Fark sia. Now my mousehunt is stuck in the farking mountain wif no one to sound the horn and im waiting for the farking ninja mouse wif the map piece to come out. godammit come out la .

and my psp also damn fun. at least im alr in mujengo 97 floor. XD. 2 more and tada. ahahaha. gonna chiong it soon.

And i think france has quite a chance in getting the world cup. no? well they hav many stars eg.henry,ribery,malouda,hugo loris,gallas,sagna,gourcuff etc. i mean why because of that handball incident which makes them like ''noob''? i mean surely, i rather france gets in than ireland. no?

random quiz from fb. lol

1. Where did you take your profile pic?
Um.. I dun hav one. ><

2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
Clothes .

3. What is your current problem?
Getting a map-piece from a mouse ><

4. What makes you happy most?
Good Results and Arsenal winning epl?

5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Omg by Usher

6. Any celeb you would marry?

7. Name some one/persons with the same birthday as you:
Um...... Dun think so. But then zehui one week before mine. Ariff 3 days before mine. Anabelle 3 days after mine.

8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?

9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?

10. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?
Erm spongebob?

11. Do you speak any other languages than English?
Mandarin, Hokkien and Nonsense

12. Has anyone you've been really close passed away?
Nah .

13. Do you ever watch MTV?
No .

14. What's something that really annoys you?
Not knowing things .

Chapter 1
1. Middle name: Fernandes
2. Nickname(s): Just WJ. lol
3. Current location: Home
4. Eye color: Black

Chapter 2
1. Do you get along with your parent(s): Most of the time .
2. Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: Married .

Chapter 3: Favorites
1. Ice Cream : Chocolate !
2. Season: Spring .
3. Shampoo/conditioner: idk
4. Favorite Thing: Arsenal
Chapter 4: Do You..
1. Dance in the shower? : I don't think so .
2. Do you write on your hand? : Nope
3. Call people back? : :\
4. Any bad habits? : HEHE
5. Any mental health issues : I hope not .

Chapter 5: Have You..
1. Sprained stuff: No .
2. Had physical therapy?: No .
3. Gotten stitches?: No
4. Taken painkillers: No.
5. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling: No .
6. Thrown up at the dentist: No .
7. Sworn in front of your parents?: No.
8. Had detention?: No.

Chapter 6: Who/What was the last
1. Three people who texted you: Benjamin
2. Person you called: Khairul
3. Person you hugged: My bolster .
4. Person you tackled?: -.-
5. Person you talked to on MSNskype: Benjamin also
6. Thing you touched?: Computer keyboard .
7. Thing you ate?: Noodles
8. Thing you drank: Water .
9. Thing you said: Okok
10. Friends you saw yesterday(12am-12am): Hm? ALOT

Friday, May 14, 2010

.... Well im not in some sort of celebratory mood tho. Well the exams are over. Yeah, but then thinking of which, theres like nothing to do. Ahh well, guess i shall jus post everyday then. =D

And well, I've kinda been in a dilemma whether WORLD CUP KIT OR STREET SOCCER BOOTS. bleh. hahaha.

And well, after the exams my heart is like woo~ woo~ woo~ but in the end, YEAH WOO~. hahaha. Maybe i shall spam mousehunt and psp. What a great idea.

Wee~ Lalala .

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Yo. :)

Ahh just only 2 days left to freedom. Kinda Excited even tho 2 days are pretty long. Hey, if we dont count today, and friday is only till 10am, meaning dun count. THEN ITS ONLY 1 DAY. teehee. but bleh. its only 2.45pm now. wtf..

maybe slacking will do me good. or sms. ahh who gives a damn. i jus watch tv.
and woo~ so excited for class gathering and another mini gathering. and actually quite a lot. =D. weehee. 1 1/2 day to break the bars in my jail and walk towards freedom.
lalala. wonder if other 6 charitians are also in the same plight as me. freedom yet so near but then so far.......

ahh fark. i wonder if we should cr8 a 6C blog..... lalala.

and yes, i hate my life. its bloody screwed by either you, me, or some idiotic ppl who doesnt hav brains to think before they act. and who are they? neh nt gonna tell u. but obv, if u read this u should know who alr. sometimes i really wonder why dont i go to other schools? o.O can really see whats the damn so good thing abt VS. its jus some norm school but abit better. thats all...

about the exams.... things are going quite okayy. but some are really screwed. wonder why. xD

-Geography. Well lets just say that its BLOODY SCREWED T.T
-Chinese Paper 1 & 3 its kinda okay tho. i mean as long as i dun go out off point the marks are still there for me to snatch it and keep it in the pocket. no?

-English . ahh.... okok

-Chem and Physics - Screwed and easy. =D

ahhh . tmr i post agn. cya~

Saturday, May 8, 2010

This my 2nd time posting, well cause im gonna study real mad for this whole week. AND FRIDAY I SHALL PLAY LIKE OMG. yepp. haha.

And yesh, IM GETTING A SOCCER SHOES W/O STUDS FOR MY BDAY. not surprising to many but to me, YEAH. hahahahaha. but then still deciding, maybe a world cup kit would also be good. Since.., yeah i also nid one for my school one so HA. rather not waste it. =D.

Yeah, so,... ah well. BYE FOR TO MY LAPPY FOR 1 WEEK T.T

Hihi. Another post. 45 alr. =D

Yes, its just 24 hours+ 8 hours to the AWESOME super sunday. Tho im nt really concern abt the 1st, IM MORE CONCERN ABT THE 3RD. arsenal started off so well lo, 6-2 everton then got a few more thrash then wad happen? V.Persie, Fabregas, Bendther, Arshavin, Gallas, Song, Ramsey, Almunia, Wilshere ( loan ), Merida , Clichy , Sagna , Eboue , Nasri and almost the whole team. Compared to Chelsea, Man Utd and Man city, Arsenal is the most unlucky one lo. Maybe they could hav a chance of epl but nah, they need somemore maturity tho they play awesome awesome football. =D

Hopes the "wish" list have some items be cancelled 12 days from now. =D


Friday, May 7, 2010

13 DAYS to the day when an AWESOME GOONER was born
2 days to decide the fate between the champions and 3rd placing spot.
7 days to FREEDOMM =D

Yeah, these are the dates i will be hoping for this month. ESPECIALLY THE LAST ONE. =D.
And please, the geography paper was tough :( but phew. i managed to complete it which maybe saved me from the brink of failing. =D

And true enough, im now actually slacking since my next paper which is compo and summary , is on monday ( duhh ) which means, i can take a breather and.... WTH DO U STUDY FOR THAT?

Hahaha. And ... i really got nothing to say about except for some random stuff which is? I dunno. Hehe.

9d4825c756 .

ok im off to mapling now. cya~
and ohya,tmr will hav a post. so , bye

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ah.... I just posted this since i got some free time and ... Yeah, GEOG is darn scary. Hopes i pass, aims for a A1/A2. But even if i get A1, i bet everyone would. =D

Counting down : 14 days. =DD. Hopefully i get some delightful presents. Hm....

Just realised that i forgot to tag many ppl. Tagged alr =D .

Today is a fun fun and yet sad day.
Fun - AD where we slacked in com lab and played our handphones! Ha. AS Roma owned Brazil 3-1. Teehee

Fun - Soccer where we won 1-0 and lost 1-0. Wasnt performing too good. The winning match was okay since we were in possesion like 95%? They kicked the ball out when they get it. So enthu. hahah. 2nd match wasnt that good and could have been worse if not of Firhan, Yi Yong and Zhong Yi. Life savers...

Sad - Mr Hakim's gone and now its mr daniel tan again. WAKAKAKA. T.T

Haiz... I think i saturday then post. Cya~

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This gonna be my last post since.... Yeah. SAs are coming. Guess everyone should be studying their brains off.

And yes, if u think that i havent being doing that, its been 5 days since i posted so yeah. -.-''

Nth much happened ytd and since it was labour day, i wouldnt say much than jus playing and studying. Yes, my life is boring. Today.... Neh, could have been worst but ahh. Let jus say its a typical school day. Being optimistic really helps, no?

Okay, Today started pretty well when I went to the class, tok crap, went to parade square, lalala, came back.... And started off with? TEST. Ha. Im gonna beat the "3 time champion " Mr Randy. Its on force and pressure and sadly, T.T i lost 2 marks. But nvm. The 3 time champion has already lost 3 marks~ Hm.. Im gonna clinch the 2 time champion already. Teehee

And hm.... 2nd period was AD-T. MAN IM SICK OF ALL THE CRAFTING. IT SUCKSSS. -.-

And haiz... I tot i said that im gonna CHIONG maple straight away and look? My time is up.( Not die. More like kissing goodbye to my lappy for the whole week )

Wakakakaaka. Cya~
And signing off,
The best , best of the best, best of the best of the best,
THE ULTRA GOONER FAN. ( noticed that im missing out of this after reading other ppls blog. haha )


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ps. Damn long time no blog. And i think im gonna blog seldom . Not everyday. Bleh. Summary of the week. Maybe it helps my summary skill. Neh.

The week was abosuletely boring tho. I could only remember a few stupid things. Teehee

2.4km - Bleh, i ran wif YiYong and boy, both of us were staring at each other and thinking" stop running, wanna rest?". Too bad i didnt say it, neither did he. end up i didnt have any shity energy to go full burst. -.-'' and congratz to joshua who suddenly ZOOM pass me and fine, u beat me. haha. I aint happy abt it tho. i passed by 28 seconds. my face whr go? haha

Geog test- WTF IS WRONG THAT WE CANT DO THE 1ST QUESTION WHEN WE CAN GET MARKS ? U WAN US TO FAIL? IDIOT. Ok i didnt study so yeah. gt a feeling i may fail. maybe not. hehe

HW - please stop flooding us wif TFU or essays cause by the rate of doing hw, we wont be able to study and therefore failing our exams. but zzz. fine i slacked when doing hw. maybe i could have did everything in one day. not 2 days. haha

Mousehunt- 59% apprentice now. wa aleem u gay go buy cherry credits. -.-'' whr got like that one. and im getting dwarf, diamond, steel and bionic. jus found out that i actually got 10 pirate and 1 burglar tho. WOO

Mafia wars - Nt bad eh this game. now i can get like 1.56m per 12 hours? sweet. =D 1.44m in 48 h for another properties. therefore, ... abt 7.6m in 48 h. woo~

Maplestory- Dunno whats got into me but after some persuade from JK, i think im going back maple. Hahaha. =D

Photoshoot- It was okay just that we had to stay up till 5.30 to take our cca photo? wtf. lucky we went to east coast park and played soccer before coming back for our photo. THE SHOOTING SHIRT IS AWWWEEEESOME.

MSN- thurs we had a CHAOS conv. started when me and belinda were debating who was better, BEING A GIRL DOES NOT MEAN U HAVE WEN HUA. if not i already li shi liao. haha . then it started when ben comes, it was okay. then belinda was losing, so she added sherra ( didnt do much ), and cheryl ( chimology ). then dunno wad happen, ben and cheryl started quarelling. -.-'' nt the way its supposed to happen tho. ITS A DEBATE NOT A QUARREL.

Soccer- LIVERPOOL'S OUT. FULHAM IS IN. WOOT. FULHAM LETS GO. =D. Surprisingly, relegated burnley can get a place in europa league if fulham win due to the fair play award to England. -.-'' burnley gonna be a feeder.

School- You first said that, ok. We must get a chim one, dun get a simple one. If not low marks for science. Fine. I agreed. " Lets do the experiment. U bring the sugar. " Fine, i agreed. then on that day, we were doing the experiment when u came and screw the whole thing up. Do you get whats fair experiment? same amount of watermelon sugar and sugar and honey. not add everything inside. and its not a fair experiment anymore. then u come and say that we all go ur house and do. Well i cant. then after that u did the proposal without telling me any shit . and then? i claim the credit. first, U SCREW THE WHOLE THING UP. U CLEAN UR OWN MESS. DUN ASK PPL TO CLEAN IT FOR YOU. second, IM NOT CLAIMING THE CREDIT. U WANNA GO REPORT TO TEACHER? fine, I HAVE PROVE THAT U SCREW THE WHOLE THING FIRST. am i scared? no. if u are not happy, go to ur dunman high then, im sick of ur acting gay. it pisses me off. dont affect ppl's studies.

thats all. if the person who did the thing abv, reads the blog. i dont care.
next week gonna post. cya~