Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This gonna be my last post since.... Yeah. SAs are coming. Guess everyone should be studying their brains off.

And yes, if u think that i havent being doing that, its been 5 days since i posted so yeah. -.-''

Nth much happened ytd and since it was labour day, i wouldnt say much than jus playing and studying. Yes, my life is boring. Today.... Neh, could have been worst but ahh. Let jus say its a typical school day. Being optimistic really helps, no?

Okay, Today started pretty well when I went to the class, tok crap, went to parade square, lalala, came back.... And started off with? TEST. Ha. Im gonna beat the "3 time champion " Mr Randy. Its on force and pressure and sadly, T.T i lost 2 marks. But nvm. The 3 time champion has already lost 3 marks~ Hm.. Im gonna clinch the 2 time champion already. Teehee

And hm.... 2nd period was AD-T. MAN IM SICK OF ALL THE CRAFTING. IT SUCKSSS. -.-

And haiz... I tot i said that im gonna CHIONG maple straight away and look? My time is up.( Not die. More like kissing goodbye to my lappy for the whole week )

Wakakakaaka. Cya~
And signing off,
The best , best of the best, best of the best of the best,
THE ULTRA GOONER FAN. ( noticed that im missing out of this after reading other ppls blog. haha )


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