Monday, May 31, 2010

Start of Holidays :)


Yepp. Its the start of the holidays. Wee~
XD XD XD XD XD XD. And still im getting no links :( maybe i should go search my history. OHYA. Ohkayy, get tagged ppl. =D

Hm... today. What shall i do? Alright, i shall put my list of things down. OMG THIS BLOG SOUNDS LIKE SOME ESSAY -.- -retry- zzz ahh well, since im so bored, -.-. LOL ok.

And now, im stuck with these few games sia. Damn Bloody gay. Mh,dota and maple. What a boring life. Ohya, im gonna do...
- playing ( psp,com )
- soccer ( if thr's ppl playing)
- homework ( so that i can chiong playing -.- )

Yepp. Thats about it.
Bleh, off to tagging. cya

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