Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hey :D

Sad lo. No-one's viewing my blog again. Ah well, dun really care alr. LOL. 49th post alr. XD

Todays gonna be a boring day tho. T.T
Going swimming at 3 then... Go ah gong hse for his + my birthday. =D

Tmr more fun. Go vivo buy present. xD. yay haha.

LOL. My galacticos football now alr. XD. But then the fixtures run out damn quickly. Haiz... Went to play X Hero Siege ytd wif ben. Damn boring lo. 3 mins then one wave. wth?

Yeah, OMG by Usher so damn nice. EVERYONE GO LISTEN.
haha. =D

Fark sia. Now my mousehunt is stuck in the farking mountain wif no one to sound the horn and im waiting for the farking ninja mouse wif the map piece to come out. godammit come out la .

and my psp also damn fun. at least im alr in mujengo 97 floor. XD. 2 more and tada. ahahaha. gonna chiong it soon.

And i think france has quite a chance in getting the world cup. no? well they hav many stars eg.henry,ribery,malouda,hugo loris,gallas,sagna,gourcuff etc. i mean why because of that handball incident which makes them like ''noob''? i mean surely, i rather france gets in than ireland. no?

random quiz from fb. lol

1. Where did you take your profile pic?
Um.. I dun hav one. ><

2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
Clothes .

3. What is your current problem?
Getting a map-piece from a mouse ><

4. What makes you happy most?
Good Results and Arsenal winning epl?

5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Omg by Usher

6. Any celeb you would marry?

7. Name some one/persons with the same birthday as you:
Um...... Dun think so. But then zehui one week before mine. Ariff 3 days before mine. Anabelle 3 days after mine.

8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?

9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?

10. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?
Erm spongebob?

11. Do you speak any other languages than English?
Mandarin, Hokkien and Nonsense

12. Has anyone you've been really close passed away?
Nah .

13. Do you ever watch MTV?
No .

14. What's something that really annoys you?
Not knowing things .

Chapter 1
1. Middle name: Fernandes
2. Nickname(s): Just WJ. lol
3. Current location: Home
4. Eye color: Black

Chapter 2
1. Do you get along with your parent(s): Most of the time .
2. Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: Married .

Chapter 3: Favorites
1. Ice Cream : Chocolate !
2. Season: Spring .
3. Shampoo/conditioner: idk
4. Favorite Thing: Arsenal
Chapter 4: Do You..
1. Dance in the shower? : I don't think so .
2. Do you write on your hand? : Nope
3. Call people back? : :\
4. Any bad habits? : HEHE
5. Any mental health issues : I hope not .

Chapter 5: Have You..
1. Sprained stuff: No .
2. Had physical therapy?: No .
3. Gotten stitches?: No
4. Taken painkillers: No.
5. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling: No .
6. Thrown up at the dentist: No .
7. Sworn in front of your parents?: No.
8. Had detention?: No.

Chapter 6: Who/What was the last
1. Three people who texted you: Benjamin
2. Person you called: Khairul
3. Person you hugged: My bolster .
4. Person you tackled?: -.-
5. Person you talked to on MSNskype: Benjamin also
6. Thing you touched?: Computer keyboard .
7. Thing you ate?: Noodles
8. Thing you drank: Water .
9. Thing you said: Okok
10. Friends you saw yesterday(12am-12am): Hm? ALOT

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