Monday, April 19, 2010

38th post. Nt bad... Nt bad... XD

V.proud user of Feinwerkbau P44, aka Air Pistol. LOL
4.5 mm /.177 calliber

Nt bad but then imagine holding it upstraight for 2 hours, feel the PAIN. hehe
BIG THANKS TO YIHENG FOR 57K MOUSEHUNT GOLD. Now mousehunt so fking fun. =D.

today pwned the malay test wif randy. how? we hav our ways xD.
today the ccp also At least our presentation was And Jeferry WAS AWESOME.. HAHAHAH

umm can some1 suggest some topic ? i nid smt to tok abt. thanks =d

Sunday, April 18, 2010

sorry ytd nv blog.

Ok. Today gonna be a long one. How? I also dunno ;P
Spurs won 2-1. YESH. HAHAHAHHAA.


Then today at abt 10am... YiHeng sent me 57k gold. Thanks =DDD
After reading his blog and from his 1st post, he wants some advertisement so ^^

Hahahaha. Ok. Nt a long one today. I gotta eat brunch. Cya~

Friday, April 16, 2010

Hey ;DD

Today v.boring sia. And fk i forgot to hand in some stuff, maybe hav detention D;

( Nt gonna say YAY since Jonah is FOREVER AWAY ;DD )

erm im gonna post tmr. cya

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hey ;DD. 34th post alr. -.-''

Hm... Today was a hm... average day. Maybe a little better.

Second, AD was DAMN FUN. Maybe not to all, but for me, ITS HELL BETTER THAN LESSONS.
Third was PE.

WTF?! We went to East Coast Park and ran our 2.4km. I was running with Zhi Hao and have to agree that yes, it was tiring like shit and i almost fainted on the track. Well its to embarassing so i jus made sure i ran and i died after completing it. And sorry to joshua for we actually had the same timing but jus that i got the card first. Real sorry.. And after getting the card, well i ran to the grass and fell on it immediately, taking HUGE HUGE breaths. Was darn lucky i got a 44th. Amongst 1D and a Sec 3/4 class. And the bad news came. The stopwatch was screwed so we had to take the test again. Its totally nt fair loh. Screw the stopwatch. Can ppl next time PLEASE bring another spare one. I almost died and u are toking about a benevolent life here. ;DDD. I almost died okay?

Then we had english for 3 periods then we went home. Well, it wasnt that bad. I mean, could have been much worse if Mr Daniel Tan was teaching us so.. Nt bad.

Now im terribly tired and so maybe tmr then i shall post.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hey agn ;DD

Today was a bad day to start off. Wonder why?
First, JONAH WAS NOT SEATING WITH ME!!! ;DD ( good thing )
Then, SCIENCE LAB. Boring tho. I prefer chem ones. ( bad thing )
Then, GEOGRAPHY. How can it be even decent? o.O ( bad thing )
Then, AD-T. Air-con . =D ( good thing )
Then, HCL. CA2 TEST. WTF!?? ( darn bad thing )
Then, English. Could have been better. ( bad thing )

So its 4v2. Therefore its a bad day. ;X

Hahahahaha. Thanks for reading my blog ppl~. To note it off,

Yi Heng: Lets go for a June Hols trip =DDD
Benjamin: RALEM SUCKS~~~ =DDD
Ariff: JK is my cousin. And Jing Kai wouldnt wanna read this anw.

So. Hav a gd day and cya~~~~

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

YAY. Ppl read my blog nowadays. =DD

Hahaha. Bleh tmr's the higher chinese test. Wish me luck. =D

Today was a darn good day and to start off. Jonah went to seat with his friend siao han. Gd eh?

Then it was Physics and finally, I had an entertaining lesson. Hahaha. Much better than Mr Koh who toks crap all the time and Mrs Seetho or smt. She damn bloody gay.haha

Then AD-T. Well, didnt do nth much. Since my teacher forgot to scan my brochure WTH? So i guess i have to do it myself at home -.-''

Then was Madhemadtics. Ah... well. Nth much really.

Then its HCL. Bleh. Dun tok abt it.

Then its the finally last lesson Music at the A-P-P-L-E lab. Nt really fun anw. ><

Okay the best thing of the day is Jonah scraming so YESH. Hopefully he stays there forever. =DDD.

RAWR. hahahaha.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hihies. Jus checked my chatbox and lmao. Not a single soul reading my blog. T.T

Haiz. Nvm.
HCL test this wednesday. Lmao. Theres 4 CAs and 2 SAs for chinese and only chinese? Not fair. Cant it be on Maths or smt. Screw VS

Ah.. Com now so boring, then wanna dota but ppl aint online. So? Im off to fill this pathetic 32 posts blog. Ahh... Spoiled my mouse so damn. Using the old Samsung mouse. Happy? No.

Arh.. Real Madrid 0 - 2 Barcelona. Is Messi really human !?

Nvm. I wanna skip school and really hope holidays really get to come so that i can finally stop going to school and enjoy my peaceful life updating this blog and dotaing. Does my holidays sound boring? Hahaha. Of course. I will be going out with some friends also but the day has yet to come so nayy.. Screw VS.

And now im left to worry abt my HCL exam? Who gives a damn. Hahaha. Joking.
I will beat RALEM and Jonah so... Hehe.


Friday, April 9, 2010


Yayees. A half day for our B Div' Cricket team. Maybe a full day if track and field gets good results but... haha. Who knows? Anyway does by winning the cricket championship trophy, does that mean VS has many indians? lmao. haha.

And anyway, fk. Im basically screwing my things up. Broke my swivel chair, mouse, stapler and pen. Maybe i should tie my hands together.
On a second thought, maybe not. haha

And i jus realised that no-one, yes , no-one reads my blog. -.-''
And yeah. School life goes the way it does again.

We had HCL for a horrendous THREE periods = 1h 45mins. I almost died.
Hahaha. Demi-god walked past us and we jus wave our hands. Looks like we are real friendly ehh. xD

Then it was PE-T where we are supposed to go to the gentleman room but SooHan went to check and i have a feeling that Mr Sng did come jus that he didnt want us to go. So haha. Free period. Recovered from shock of HCL.

Then, we had PHYSICS. The damn bloody gay teacher came and of course, lesson sucked. I didnt understand a single thing, maybe some. haha/

Then it was Maths. -.-'' dont want to discuss abt it still. hahaha

Then we had CCP. Ahh, XuWenHao v. no face sehh. Bad disgrace for PRC land ppl. hahaha

hm.... if anyone is really reading my blog, can u jus kindly pls say smt at the chatbox? i find it kinda uselesss wasting 10 mins typing for myself.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Helloo. This blog is officially revived. I doubt ppl reads my post nowadays. T.T

Haiz. Todays a free day won by Victorians who got the B Div' & D Div' Track and Field team. haha .
Ytd we won the cricket nationals so hm... can we have a free day again ? (evil laugh)

This few days are weird. Not really but ignoring smses from quite a number of ppl. Unknown perhaps. And one ADA guy added me on msn and, hes a gay. haha. maybe a woman. who knows.

Thanks to help of my maths assesment book nowadays i kinda understand algebra now. acutally i learnt it before last time alr. lmao

-.- geog is terribly sukish. can someone help me in a way which i can really score for LORMS? thanks.

ahhs. mousehunt seem fun. haha. takes a long time to get to adventurer huh? is there a mousehunt bot? hehe.

but haiz. school is fun all over again and i hate sembian now

Joel's a lifesaver in maths and hm...

.... haiz. someone pls help me in whatever ways. -.-
haha. no use being so pessimistic. shall be optimistic from next post onwards.
after all ppl dun read a sad blog ryt??? hahah
