Tuesday, April 13, 2010

YAY. Ppl read my blog nowadays. =DD

Hahaha. Bleh tmr's the higher chinese test. Wish me luck. =D

Today was a darn good day and to start off. Jonah went to seat with his friend siao han. Gd eh?

Then it was Physics and finally, I had an entertaining lesson. Hahaha. Much better than Mr Koh who toks crap all the time and Mrs Seetho or smt. She damn bloody gay.haha

Then AD-T. Well, didnt do nth much. Since my teacher forgot to scan my brochure WTH? So i guess i have to do it myself at home -.-''

Then was Madhemadtics. Ah... well. Nth much really.

Then its HCL. Bleh. Dun tok abt it.

Then its the finally last lesson Music at the A-P-P-L-E lab. Nt really fun anw. ><

Okay the best thing of the day is Jonah scraming so YESH. Hopefully he stays there forever. =DDD.

RAWR. hahahaha.


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