Sunday, January 31, 2010

23rd post liao.

One more day to FEBRUARY!!! Not really excited tho.
This means one more month to CA. Oh Crap....

Geography, Maths, Chinese, English , AD-T , Music , PE-T, Chemistry. Can't believe Music and PE-T gt exams. so stupid~~

Ah. Can't believe my nike sandals was stolen. Must be by those bunglas.
In the end i wore my slipper go out. -.-
Somemore go VIVO. Sianz. =.-

Hahahaha. The guy with two eyelid and one eyelid has appeared!!

Sianz. I've gt nothing to do. And super tired after coming back from vivo.
Dinner suks. The fishball noodles so oily. I guess charsiew rice is still the best. ^^

Ah... Long time no post Naruto ninjutsu alr.
Oh... And will try to get a quiz for the next post.
Ah... tommorow gt school alr. Nid wear tie. SIANZ.

Ok. CYA~

Nendo Bunshin - Clay Clone
Character Use: Deidara
Rank: -
Note: Secret Technique
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

Akatsuki member Deidara is an artist at heart, and he uses his modeling clay to fashion objects which help him in combat. This includes using his clay to create a clone. Should his opponent become intertwined with the clone, they will be held in place and unable to manuever. Because the clay is related to the Earth Element, it is weak to Raiton based attacks. This provides a means of release from the clay.

Friday, January 29, 2010

22nd post. xD xD

Will post a long one since all have been damn short rite?
hahas.. Stupid HW la. Geog, Maths, Chinese, Chem , English.
I'm gonna explode soonadays.

Let's get everyone to hate Jonah.
He so fking irritating. Keep saying he so damn good.
Say i comfirm maths got wrong. Did u noe i was a genius in maths?
xD jkjk la. But i can be sure that Jonah will get worse than me in the chem and maths test. COMFIRM.
He suks balls. Say my classwork comfirm got wrong then say'' u nvr do working'' . I get all correct right? Stupid.
He gt tuition lehh. Fk Jonah.
Lets cr8 a I HATE JONAH group alright?
why did mdm faezah make me sit beside him.... -.-

Oh yeah. MIOBOX OWNS. 451kb/s.

Wolfteam seems so fun nowadays. Even Boshen and Soo Han playing it now.
And got hell lot of guns. WOW. 10x more than SA. I BET.

If 2012 really happens then Jonah will be gone. Hooray~

And Arsenal now really gg. Really gg. Vermaelan now injured. Sianz. Lucky AW bought Sol Campbell. xD

I'm going for a 3-3 draw with Man Utd. Nt to say that I dun dare say Arsenal will win lah. But Man Utd now so imba.. And arsenal got like 12 players injured?

Erm dun think got anything to post. Things gettin' boring.
Can anyone tell me what to talk abt. eg. How Jonah suks.. Or soccer.. blah blah

Feel free to shout it in the cbox. DUN SPAM PLS.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

damn boring day.. -.-


damn long nvr blog. cause of hw. fk it.
erm damn sianz. off to play dota. \

-.- damn short post i noe. no choice

Sunday, January 24, 2010

19th blog post alr. ~~
today damn tired lah... slept in the car. sianz
go see the chinese physician for dunno wad reason.
keep saying nid eat veggie and bla bla. yea i noe alr laa
then'' wa! so tall alr!'' i didn't waste money jus to hear u say compliments. -.-

forget abt it. today was a tired day as i said. spent 1 h doing geog notes. ( dunno why i did that o.O) and did hell lot of maths. tiring.

yea.. nothing much to play. REALLY NOTHING TO PLAY

man utd won 4-0. wtf
hopefully arsenal wins stoke. xD

my post are damn boring.
someone suggest wad to write pls. thanks.
going to watch naruto v kakuzu. OH YEA


Saturday, January 23, 2010

18th post alr~ yay

erm today was a BRILLIANT DAY.
first thing, thr was no school cause its a saturday. quite obvious.
2nd, i finally gt my own bed. HURRAYS~
my bed is damn nice laa. and i realized i've been buying lots of new things. eg. laptop,bed and stuff. i think i shld really cut down. hm....

today played DOTA and selected magina. and it was awesome. 9 kills 4 deaths. nt really gd. but my ending items were : basher, butterfly, vladmir , treads. first time getting that much. lols.

erm finished my 500 word essay. u maybe wondering why am i doing it agn but because i copied and paste everything last time -.=

HAHAHAHAHAH freak with one eyelid and a double eyelid. ^^

erm ok... currently arsenal's first. -weehee- and will remain if man utd loses tonight or tmr. which i hope will happen lahh. - apologises to man utd fans -

arsenal's next match is tmr. ARSENAL V STOKE CITY. comfirm win laa. somemore this is fa cup. i think most likely win. no?

shall update arsenal's injury news.

Bacary Sagna
Fran Merida
Jack Wilshere
Aaron Ramsey
Kieran Gibbs
Abou Diaby
Nicklas Bendther
Samir Nasri
Johan Djourou
Robin Van Persie


shall nt tok anymore. cya guys tmr man.
bb and hav a gd day

Thursday, January 21, 2010

16th post liaos. xD

Hi. Today is nt a bad day.

First off, ENGLISH~ which suks... xD

Second was GEOG. Lols. Mr Kevin Ng asked Jonah to shout '' i love geog '' in front of the whole class to test his 20m voice. I bet Jonah hates geog more now. ^^

Then recess. Tried the Hellier Mee Sedap which turned out to be DAMN NICE. The chicken so filling and the sambal chili was EXCELLENT.

Erm.. Then its science, MT and PE-T. Can't really say much about it.

Guess Thursdays are the worst day in my week.
Even tho with the lightest bags. xD

Then Nicholas ,Benjamin n Douglas went home loh. Cause i gt some IT interview.
Hopes i get in agn.
Pls pray that i get in if GOD were to read this.

OK. Won't say anymore. I've a chemistry test.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Dun think i type the introductory word '' HELLOO~'' makes u think that I'm happy. I'm not ok?

First things first. I shall start using capital letters cause my blog post are quite untidy after i read the previous ones.

Ok. I'm damn tired sia... And yeah, went into higher mother tongue which is a good thing and i dun regret it luhh. Its awesome.. and at least u get to learn much more things from normal chinese.

Not really awesome but i label it as'' above average '' . Again , i want to emphasize my point that DSA class suks. It spoils the whole '' Gentlemen, Professional, Sportsman.''

They dun have sportsmanship and act as if they are gangsters. So everyone in VS should appeal to Mr Low ( not me ><) that DSA classes should be disbanded from VS. Ok... Maybe we should appeal that we have DSA tests. ahaha. Wad a brilliant decision by me. xD

Serious laa, they spoil my day. Why do VS have to be so kiasu and want to be like'' best '' in the ccas. I mean, being good in the academics is more important. Right?

But i shall not talk abt this but really.. NO DSA CLASSES SHOULD BE IN VS.

Ok. Today wasn't a bad day and wasn't a good day. Bad day? Cause all the subjects i hate are together. eg. Music, ADT( starting to hate it) and maths.

And i can't believe we have peer support session till 4 tmr. What the
heck laa. If its something organized by the PSL then i'm gonna kill them tmr. ^^

Haiz.... Damn boring loh. Facebook kinda boring too. Maybe i really should try LOL?
But who knows laa.

Sianz. Praying to get into IT club. Why? Refer to the previous post.
Damn pissed off by the DSA class now so i shall not blog anymore. Anyway i gotta eat lunch anyway.


Kibaku Nendo • Kyuukyoyu Geijutsu • CO - Exploding Clay • Ultimate Art • CO
Character Use: Deidara
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack
Fun Fact: The explosion resembles the Tower of the Sun statue by Taro Okamoto. This artist was also the inspiration for "Art is a Bang".
Note: Secret Technique

Kibaku Nendo • Kyuukyoyu Geijutsu • CO is utilized by Akatsuki member Deidara. After removing the bindings sealing the mouth on his chest, Deidara will feed the maw a large clump of clay. After being ingested, dark veins will begin to emerge on his body as he infuses the clay with his explosive chakra. When the veins nearly cover his whole body, they will begin to retreat back into a sphere located near the chest mouth. When the veins totally retreat back into the clay, Deidara will ignite it causing a huge explosion which will cover a ten kilometer area.

Monday, January 18, 2010

erm... hi?

nt in a really gd mood since i can't get into IT club....
sianz. went into shooting instead. WTF la. 3 days a week. sianz
sht sht sht. i rather go NCC land canz?
haiz. dun think abt it. makes me emo. -.-

erm today wasn't a really gd day lahh. lets say... average day?
but it became worst when geog came...
our teacher was like.. having a shouting dictate. which is damn funny.
whole class shouting at each other yet the teacher can laugh.
rofl la.

haiz ... nthing much to say actually. after all, i'm writing this post while doing my hw. xD
shall nt tok abt this anymore and shall nt post a naruto ninjutsu/fuuinjutsu/genjutsu today.

cya~ and have a good nite. :D

Sunday, January 17, 2010

helloo ppl~

today was a damn short day cause its... 8.57am and i woke up at 8.30am -.-

and i damn happy cause i bought a new laptop~ and its the 1st.damn sleek la, i can't believe it loh. woots~~~!!! its hp pavilion dm3. but its damn nice ok.

erm yesterday had nothing much to say so i written a blog post of quizzes which ended up damn stupid and i regretted doing it like hell.

hmmm soccer news. no arsenal so i shall only say those '' important ones ''
Chelsea 7-2 Sunderland.
Man Utd 3-0 Burnley.

zzzz... so stupid. hopefully arsennal wins its next match. ^^
wow , i nt used to this laptop sia. the keypad too small. i think i shall try it out. shan't tok anymore. i want to dl msn and of course maple ^^.


Karyuudan - Fire Dragon Projectile
Character Use: Third Hokage
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Special Note: Anime Only

Katon • Karyuudan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and create mud projectiles using the Doryuudan technique. The ninja will then blow a large flame to ignite the mud projectiles.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

erm today is a really boring day luhh. since gt no soccer news currently and school is hell boring in VS ( oops agn). i shall now do a quiz i found in quizcat.

When was the last time you cried?
.erm, cried untill laugh? nt that sure.
Have you ever faked sick?
.oh. in p1. xD
What was the last lie you said?
.erm during sec 1 camp.
Have you ever cried during a movie?
.yea. qian bu gou yong 2.
Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of?
.stupid question
Have you ever danced in the rain?
.hell no.
Have you ever been drunk?
.i'm 12 nias. so no.
Have you ever tried tried drugs?
.i scared die or jail so no.
Do you smoke?
.i'm 12. rmb? lmao.
What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare?
.erm.. $10 dollar bet with doug on psle score. lols. in the end cancelled so no count.
What is your full name?
.Low Wei Jie. read my particulars pls.
What is your blood-type?
.O+. why the heck u wan noe. u wan blood meh?
Have you ever been in a car accident?
.if i am, why am i still answering stupid questions.
How old were you when you recieved your first kiss?
.lmao. nt gonna tell u.
Who was your first kiss?
.lmao. nt gonna answer
Have you ever had an online relationship?
.crap u lah.
Have you ever had phone-sex?
.how the hell u do that?
Have you ever been rejected by a crush?
.i dun have a CRUSH. but i'm gonna crush u if u ask these stupid questions agn.
What is your favourite sport to play?
Have you ever made a prank phone call?
. yea, wif ruben during tuition.lols
Have you ever said...
. wad?
What's your favourite childhood memory?
. erm... pokemon?
Is there anything that you have done that you regret?
. erm.. basically my life has been awesome so no.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
. some kinda ceo or technology stuff creator. smt like that
What is your political persuassion?
. ???
Have you ever had cybersex?
. wtf la
Do you believe in g-d?
. ???
Do you believe in love at first sight?
. erm.. maybe
Do you believe in karma?
. nope
Who was your first crush?
. lmao. go and die
Who do you have a crush on?
. refer to the previous answer
How would you describe yourself?
. cute?
What are you afraid of?
. heights and of course homework.
Are you religious?
. yea.
What does your screen name mean?
. ????
What person do you trust the most?
. i trust only myself. jkjk la. i think almost all of my friends bah
Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
. zzzzzz
What is the best compliment you have ever recieved?
. good job?
What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?
. erm... nt gonna tell you..
What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?
. lmao la. stop asking these kind of questions.
What is your greatest strength?
. tyconess~
What is your greatest weakness?
. nah. i so imba. dun have any. xP.
What is your perfect pizza?
. lots of pepporoni and cheese
What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?
. 5 more mins. i wanna sleep.
What is your first thought before you go to bed?
. erm... pls let me wake up on time
What college do you want to go to?
. oxford?
Do you get along with your family?
. yup.
Do you play any instruments?
. recorder if u count as one.
What kind of music do you like?
. lp music
Do you think you're attractive?
. no. HELL NO.
Would you ever get a tattoo?
. NO.
How many piercings do you have?
. refer to the previous question.
Who makes you laugh?
. long as its funny.
Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours?
. computer.
Have you ever seen a dead body?
. nope
Do you have a celebrity crush?
. nope
What is one thing scientists should invent?
. teleporter
Have you ever broken a bone?
. nope
What happens after you die?
. erm.... i get cremated?
Do you watch or read the news?
. i'm nt that ignorant ok.
What stereotype would you label yourself as being?
. dunno.
Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label?
. ??
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
. i like my name.
If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go
. japan~
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?
. my crooked teeth?
Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
. ???
Have you ever played strip poker?
. nope
Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?
. yup. as long as it makes them happy.
What do you want your friends to think about you?
. cute?
What is the biggest argument you've ever gotten into?
. abt ivan ong.
Have you ever bitten someone?
. NO
When's your birthday?
. 20-5-97. u're gonna give me presents on that day
Have you ever stolen anything?
. NO
Do you make wishes on shooting stars?
. nvr seen one berore
Whats the most you've ever eaten in one sitting?
. manhatttan's fish and chip
If you could go back and change one day, what would it be?
. PSLE maths.
Do you remember your dreams?
. yup.
Have you ever been in love?
. hell no.
Are you a morning person or a night person?
. night. i get really hyper.
Do you have any phobias?
. erm... nope
What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone?
. steal their pencil box?
Have you ever been to the hospital (other then birth?
. no. i damn healthy one.
How many screen names do you have?
. erm... only WJ.
Do any medical problems run in your family?
. no
Have anyone ever been disowned from your family?
Have you ever had a nightmare?
. who doesn't have that?
Do you say meaner things to your friends or your enemies?
. enemies. duh
Would you ever participate in a threesome?
. wads that?
Would you ever pay for a prostititue?
Have you ever mooned or flashed someone?
Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf?
Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants?
. lols. nope
Have you ever written a love letter?
. no
Have you ever attempted suicide?
. stupid ppl would do that
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?
. dunno
Have you ever been in a fistfight?
. yups~ pokemon fight with rayner...
Do you have any hidden talents?
. soccer analysis
What is one thing you want me to know about you?
. which is equal to everyone who reads my blog knowing abt me
What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask?
. all those idiotic questions
Do you usually prefer books or movies?
. movies. duh
Who is your favourite person to talk to?
. rayner or yiheng
Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad?
. erm.. jin's funny laughter. xD
Would you ever have sex before marriage?
Who do you talk to most on the phone?
. nic
Do you have a secret that you're ashamed of?
. yea..
Do you prefer british or american spelling of words?
. british
Have you ever gotten detention?
. will have one soon or later
How do you vent your anger?
. punch my pillow
Have you ever been on a diet?
. i don't make myself hungry jus to look nice
Would you ever date someone younger than you? Older than you?
. same age would be the best
Is your best friend a virgin?
. dun think so
What's a rumor someone has spread about you?
. i spread rumors.noone spreads rumors abt me.
What's the kinkiest thing you could ever actually see yourself as doing?
. wads kinkiest?
What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you?
. saying arsenal suks.
What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?
. help me eat my veggies?
Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness?
. zzzzz
Have you ever cut yourself on purpose?
. abu, paper cut
Have you ever wanted to murder someone?
. yea, u
Have you ever hated someone?
. duh, who doesn't have enemies??
Do you prefer talking on the phone or online?
. online
Do you consider yourself popular?
. nt as popular as cheryl or boshen. lols
Would you ever tell the person you have a crush on that you like them?
. why not?
Have you ever had a crush on an enemy?
. obviously nt
Have you ever had a crush on a best friend?
. my best friend is a boy
What is your favourite book?
. harry potter
Do you have a collection of anything?
. duhh..
Are you happy with the person you are becoming?
. if only i am smarter than i can go NUSHS cause VS suks ( oops agn )
Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago?
. who doesn't grow older in 5 years time
What do you see yourself as being in 5 years from now?
. in JC
Are you happy with the life you have?
. yup~

wow this is a kinda long post. i shall end this now >< later kana scolding. cya~

Kyuubi Chakra Blast (Unnamed)
Character Use: Uzumaki Naruto (Four-Tail Kyuubi Form)
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack

This unnamed chakra blast is a Ninjutsu technique used by Naruto in his four-tailed Kyuubi form. Taking advantage of his Jinchuuriki ability to harmonize and use the chakra of his bijuu, Naruto will cover himself in the Kyuubi's chakra and his own blood. Expelling chakra particles from his body, he will gather the small orbs into a small spherical ball of chakra. He will then compress the orb down and swallow it. The chakra will build internally and Naruto will fire the chakra out as an extremely powerful blast.

The blast is powerful enough to level the surrounding area and most anything which stands in its way. Orochimaru commented that if the blast directly connected with his body, even he would die. Even three of his powerful Rashoumon gates fell to the power of the attack.

Friday, January 15, 2010

11th post liaos. -yay-
this shall be a longer post since the few short ones were in a rush for time. i mean, was doing hw then wrote that at the same time. now is absolute free time.

today was a ''nt a bad day''.
had chem, math, EL and ad-t.

chem was nt that fun luhh. mdm lyana was like talking abt the hypothesis thing which i alr noe. then do some corrections loh. gt 2 wrong nia. ^^

math wasn't too boring. was jus doing hell lot of sums abt cube and cube roots. HCL n LCM. easy lahh. come on. lets skip this chapter.

recess didn't eat anything. since i queued up the wrong line lah. sianz. wanted to eat chicken rice go queue up for noodles one. ><

then i bought milo $1.10. veri ex ok? somemore i spilled the milo on my shoes and the milo go inside the shoe. zzz.

then was art,design and technology. hm... nid to design a mobile abt victoria school's identity and i have an idea alr. ^^

then was english. boring. i shall nt tok abt ENGLISH. xD.

Then i met up wif douglas n benjamin. then went to white sands for lunch. MCSPICY!!!!!! WOO~.

erm quite ex but since is erm.... aiya who cares luhh..
then we met jasper, hehsi and harris. jasper went to tkss and i assume harris also. hehsi went to anglican high. but he acutually wanted to go VS.lols.
then we talked luhh. abt how VS suks. ( oops ) and we also smashed douglas's cheeseburger patty~. cause thats beef and he can't eat beef. same goes to me. so we smashed it. nt that nice la. so disgusting. then hehsi talked abt a a poor boy's life who changed because of PSLE. hahahs. so funny. ^^

today gt hell lots of hw. actually nt much lah. jus chem , maths and english. finished alr liaos. fast eh?. xD.

erm lets talked abt socceer news. like the legendary LIVERPOOL 1-2 READING. xD
'' you'll nvr walk alone'' apparently has now changed to ''rafa walks alone''.
lols.rayner will be so mad. but who cares ^^. bad cousin. loooools.

erm lets talk abt the match menu.
Fernando Torres believes Liverpool need a "much, much more complete squad" and has told the club's owners they have to invest to rescue the team. xD. lols.

Reports on Thursday suggest Benitez is set to be given until the end of the season, but it has been widely suggested that the owners are already looking at other candidates for the position. Guus Hiddink has been tipped as a leading contender after Russia's failure to reach the World Cup.

Hiddink is still contracted to Russia but looks set to leave and has revealed he would welcome the chance to return to the Premier League. However, given the Dutchman's close ties to Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich, a switch to Anfield could be problematic.

yea.really problematic. after all hiddink was with chelsea and pwned like siao. hopefully he stays away from liverpool. xD.

liverpool really gg liaos. ggfied. xD. i mean. its true laa. so give up laa. come on. no hope liaos.

erm... quite a long post. will be finding a blog quiz for next post. so cya~

Hiraishin no Jutsu - Flying Thunder God Technique
Character Use: Yondaime Hokage
Rank: S
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Supplementary

Hiraishin no Jutsu is a ninjutsu technique utilized by the Fourth Hokage. The technique gave Yondaime his nickname "Konoha's Yellow Flash," due to his bright yellow hair and his ability to traverse great distances in the blink of an eye. A space-time jutsu like Kuchiyose, Yondaime first needs to mark his destination with a shiki (rite) first, he can then activate the jutsu to come to the mark. He can apply this to a weapon such as a kunai, and when thrown or used, he can instantly travel to it. He can also apply the mark to a touched area, such as his opponent or some other surrounding feature. No matter where the opponent goes, Yondaime can travel to the mark to kill them.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

helloooo. 10th post liaos. i think. ^^

erm nt a bad day in school but nt a gd day too.

first wasss erm.. EL. boring agn. yea. and gt hell lots of hw. but finish liao.xD

then was geog. sucky la. gt some gay teacher. 20m voice. dumb sia. kns.skip also.

then reccess.

then was erm.... forget liaos. oh ya. was science. sambian was funny agn. ''TALENT TIME!!! SHUT UP EVERYONE!!!'' wow. wad a gd welfare. xD

MT skip..

then cyber wellness workshop. damn funny. hahaha. gt wad stress reliever chatroom thingy when u go into a website. then sambian was over hyper when he saw spongebob. xD

then aiya.. boring. gt my 500 words essay to do. cya~

oh ya. LIVERPOOL 1 - 2 READING. imba. xD

ok gtg .cya~

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


today wasn't a bad day lah. but school was funny.

first period was pe.
nt bad but dun really like it.
nid do lots of situps( only 10 ><) and standing board jumps. also shuttle run.( almost sprained ankle and fell down)

2nd was english.
boring lah. -skip,skip-

recess. -yay!-

then is mother tongue. but then in the process of appealing hmt. so nothing much for me. -skip,skip-

then is A-D. the funniest .hahhahahaha.
first we nid to cr8 a product. our grp cr8 the pencil box cabinet. cause ppl waste time in exams finding their stationaries. xD.

then sambian's grp, vibrating bed for alarm clock purposes and big balls under the bed that hits u out of the bed . XD.

then bryan's grp. bucket under dog and wet sponge near the prick so that can clean the dog and the poo won't land on the floor. XDD.

then daniel's grp, magnetic ''cups''. hahahahahaha. it works in less than 2 seconds. cause women have difficulty putting in their ''cups''. hahahhahahahahahahahahahaha. then our teacher still joke. later gt breast cancer. cause the magnet suk out the ''iron'' in the human body. hahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha.

ok. laughing too much.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


today... hm... nt a bad day. went for the infocomm club interview with nic and didn't do quite well i guess.. -prays to god- hopefully i can go in lah. nt bad eh, only wednesday nid stayback for dunno wad things. then friday is gamesday~ woot. hopefully can go in loh.

today was boys brigade day but nth special jus only SR nathan was on the screen toking abt dunno wad things. wasn't paying attention.

then gt some stupid announcement by some teacher, then i go clap hand with sambian.. so stupid loh. haha.

first period was ad-t. haha the advertisement on the japanese milk so funny. dun understand but funny. hahaha. then after all our laughter. then gt 500 word essay. walao eh. art design-technology nia. wad crap la. stupid . but luckily nid hand up on next tuesday so who cares now.

2nd period was science. quite boring. went to the chemistry lab then draw the test-tube all these out.then gt one pipuette. i think. damn funny sia. but dunno how explain. nvm.

then after that recess. -yay-

then after recess is music. nt a bad teacher. makes stupid jokes like rest of the teachers. lol, also gt a dunforget the lyrics . but abt the school song. so damn easy la.

after that was mother-tongue. boring so skip

then after that was maths. aiya. that one so boring loh. HCL n LCM. who doesn't know that. -skip,skip-

then after that end of school

OH CRAP. i jus realised that i also gt maths homework.
cya~ ( the ending part was thr cause i copied before i even started writing the post)

Gamayu Endan - Toad Oil Fireball
Character Use: Jiraiya, Gamabunta( Toad Boss)
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack

Katon • Gamayu Endan is a Ninjutsu technique of the Sannin Jiraiya utilzing the Fire Element. Done in partneship with Gamabunta, Jiraiya will stand atop Gamabunta's head and form the seals for a Katon jutsu. Gamabunta will draw oil within his gullet and then expel a jet of it. When the fire of Jiraiya's katon hits the oil, it ignites into a huge flaming fireball.

Naruto also used a variation of this technique in conjunction with Gamabunta. Unfortunately because Naruto could not use Katon at the time, he had to use an explosive note to ignite the oil.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hi. 7th post liao.

lets look at today's scoreline.

Arsenal 2-2 Everton.
phew, rosicky scored in the 90th min:D
goals by denilson(28), rosicky(90) for arsenal. and osman(12) , pienaar(81)
arsenal didn't play that well la. now u see the BIG diff between fabregas playing and fabregas nt playing. gd thing arsene wenger nt selling him. or else really epic fail.-.-

ManUtd 1-1 Birmingham.
lols. dunno wad to say abt it.
birmingham really good nowadays. 8th in the epl siah. imba la.
man utd. hm.... nothing much to say. dun wan offend to many man utd supporters. later no one read my blog ^^

haiz. gt no more soccer news liaos. school also gt nothing much to say. only this few days all cca audition until so late. kns time post . but then once tuesday then can liaos. cause 2.15 go home.^^

ok.cya~ posts wil get boring this few days la. when tuesday then maybe nt. ok cya~

Tsukuyomi - God of the Moon
Character Use: Uchiha Itachi
Rank: -
Special Note: Special Bloodline Technique
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary

Tsukuyomi, named for the God of the Moon, is a Genjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou form of the Sharingan eye to generate a powerful illusion. This jutsu is generated by the left Mangekyou eye. This highly advanced technique can not be used extensively because of the toll it places on the user. To utilize the illusion, the clan member will look into the eyes of his opponent and cast a Genjutsu spell on them. The illusion takes place in the mind of the one affected, while under the jutsu the victim is at the total mercy of the user. The user has full control over space and time in the jutsu and can place the one affected through any hell they desire for any length desired. The technique itself only lasts for but a second in reality, but the one affected could have lasted through several days of torture.

It is said only a natural born member of the Uchiha Clan can overcome the illusion. To counter the technique, however, Mangekyou is not required. A highly trained normal Sharingan user can break the illusion, causing the Mangekyou user to experience additional weakness from using it.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Jus finished my english homework. finding one diary extract. easy la. get one anne frank one and the teacher will give u an A liaos.xD. no la. but then i quite sure the teacher will like it.

Finished the maths homework yesterday night. which is terribly simple like siao. HCF n LCM. who the heck doesn't know how to do this. its abt the same as primary school one jus that they give u ridiculous. like 986. so stupid la. but then with the help of my awesome calculator then everything done liaos.

i dunno if this is a gd news or bad news but then we are having chemistry for the first modular. aiya who cares. -skip,skip-

lets tok abt soccer news.

"Players injured, driver dead" after Togo bus attack
WOAH. aiya. why didn't adebayor get killed loh. in the bus attack. mus have been him who caused the driver dead. go sabo him. ^^.but then also cannot be too evil too him la. but then.. he deserved it ^^.

Sir Alex insists he has no spending restrictions
walao eh. fergie is determined to get the glazer family bankrupt la. no? they alr gt a 790 million pounds debt sia. stupid.

Arsene Wenger denies renewed Cesc Fabregas speculation
this is awesomely true .cause cesc is real class la. then if barca or real madrid were to buy him, then arsenal damn difficult to be in this position liaos unless they buy some1 to replace him la.

Haiz. damn bored now . so shall end this post here.

Chidori - Thousand Birds
Character Use: Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Sasuke
Rank: A
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack

Chidori (a.k.a. Raikiri) is a Ninjutsu technique developed by Hatake Kakashi utilizing the Lightning Element. Chidori allows him to cut through any foe. Later, Uchiha Sasuke used his Sharingan and the training of Kakashi to also learn the technique. It was given the nickname Raikiri after it was said Kakashi used the technique to cut a lightning bolt in two. Chidori is used for assassination purposes. Activating the body to focus chakra to the hand, Kakashi and Sasuke's hand become enveloped by an electrical force. This force is their chakra altered in nature to an electrical current. By altering the shape of the force, similar to an electrical discharge, they can decide the power and range of the attack.

After concentrating all the chakra into the arm, Kakashi and Sasuke use their quickness and the power of the thrust from the chakra to pierce any object with the extended forearm. Because their opponent can easily counter the attack, it requires a Sharingan user to make the technique worthwhile. The Sharingan will allow them to predict any moves their opponent decides to make and send their strike home into the target. Due to the high speed, the force emits a sound like a thousand birds chirping which gave the technique its name. Because of the great amount of chakra needed to utilize the technique, the technique can only be used so many times during the day.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Abt 1 day no post liao. cause of the cca audition loh. until 6pm. but lucky today early la. cause volleyball auditions i failed badly. so instead of normal 5.45 go home, i 5.10 go home. ^^

School was still nt bad la. teachers make some stupid jokes. then jus tell us wad to expect for the year end loh. wad mus hand in ur work and do it wif pride cause it is in the school marks. so boring. the gd thing in VS is that the library is nt bad. and the canteen gt hell lot of nice food. ^^. oh yea, jus to nt leave out the seniors, the seniors are friendly too.

Then... today's a boring day loh. nothing much to do. and no homework( gd thing). then soccer cause gt BIG BIG snowfall in manchester and all over england i think. that why all the matches suspended including the derby man utd v man city.

but then we can still tok abt transfer window. ( surely the snow doesn't postponed it too.)

Ivan Gazidis: Arsenal unlikely to spend big
aw.. that so sad. in case u dunno, ivan gazidis is the arsenal chief executive. so sad loh. if arsenal wans to win the epl. they shld think abt getting great quality players wad. since all the clubs have been doing that. anyway v.persie , walcott all these attacking players all injured. then so kns . still dun wan buy striker. even tho winning la but then mus have safety net mah. if nt the last striker injured how? the whole club epic fail. zzz. so hopefully arsenal still gets to sign great quality players. ''arsene wenger, dun care abt this guy la. surely u wan the club to win the epl right? :D''

Sol Campbell would welcome shock Arsenal return
hmm. nt a bad chioice by arsenal la. campbell is imba in the previous years like 2001-2004. dunno abt now . erm.. nt much too tok abt this guy la. but then arsenal really made a nt bad move. cause now the centre backs are vermaelan n gallas. then the subs are silvestre n djourou( currently injured. and for VERI long so dun care abt this guy first). these 2 are nt bad la. but then also nt that gd loh. so if arsenal were to buy campbell then maybe arsenal won't concede so much goals.

i think thats all abt it . since thr isn't anymore arsenal news liao. haiz. the arsenal-bolton match suspended. if nt blog post much longer. ok cya~

Sennen Goroshi - One Thousand Years of Death
Character Use : Uzumaki Naruto n Kakashi Hatake
Rank: E
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack

Though it is called "Leaf's Ancient Supreme Technique", Sennen Goroshi serves more as an insulting shock technique rather than a skilled Taijutsu technique. The ninja forms their hands into the seal of the tiger, and then jabs their fingers into the nether regions of their target. The result is shocking violation of the targets sanctity and often their launching in the air to stop the awkward feeling.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


long time since no post. went to camp.
oh yea, camp really suks, but... still ok la.
jus that nt that nice as sarimbun one.
at least thr still gt friends.
but then i gotta say some things in the camp i jus went are really cool.

Rock Climbing/CRC:
Climber: Am i on belay?
Belayer: Belay On.
Climber: Squeeze check.
Belayer: Squeezed checked/on. didn't hear wad that guy say.
Climber: Climbing.
Belayer: Climb On.

And i shall end it with our campfire song.
''I Ask My Girl''

I ask my love,
to take a walk,
to take a walk,
to orchard road,
by pass mandarin,
to centrepoint,
and we had lunch,
at macdonalds,
we had fillet,
and apple pie,
and shared a cup,
of lemonade,
in the house next door,
there was no light,
we use torchlight,
holding by her hands,
looking to her eyes,
i asked her to be,
my valentines,
now i confined,
in sec 1 camp,
i missed u so,
my sweethoney,
i promised u,
when i passed out,
when i passed out,
i will take u out,
holding by her hands,
look into her eyes,
i ask her to be,
my future wife,
but she reject,
how can that be!?
i so handsome!
she must be blind.


Susanoo - God of the Sea and Storms
Character Use: Uchiha Sasuke n Itachi

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Decided to have the 2nd day post cause its too boring.

But most of this post is random stuff. do stay wif me

Victoria School doesn't noe how to organize orientations.
1. The form i got on the day i register for that school does not tell me that i have to bring anything on the orientation day. Yet my teacher still asks for the form.

2.When I was having my cca tour around the school canteen, WE didn't noe that we have to follow the student ldr during the tour and we didn't noe that we still had to assemble at the hall after that at 12pm. ( I was alr on my way home then my friend called me and told me to go back )

3.At 12pm , we went to the hall just to hear the head student leader say dismissed.

Liverpool shldn't be in the top 4.
1. Rafa relies too much on torres , gerrard , benayoun.
2. Rafa doesn't know how to buy great players. eg.kygrakios
3. Rafa does know how to buy AVERAGE players but does not perform up to standard. eg.aquilani
4. Rafa sells players in liverpool which is a MUST in their team. eg.alonso

Thats all abt it in the random 2nd post of the day.

Kamui - God's Majetsy
Character Use: Kakashi Hatake


Today super happy loh.
Gt $350. ( can't believe that moe increased the scholarship by $50 )
Oh yea.
But the money will be frozen in the bank and i can't take it out so no point of being happy over it.

Ok. Lets skip this. -skip,skip-

dammit, my neck still hurts.
guess i injured myself when i was painting my room.

Let's skip this too. -skip,skip-

Hm.. Lets tok abt yesterday's soccer hasn't started

hm.. all the results looks plain cause the clubs that were supposed to win have won. EXCEPT..

Thats kinda dumb. Liverpool who is in the TOP divison can't even defeat Reading. Looks like Liverpool doesn't deserve to be in the top 4.

And someone's gt a much better chance than liverpool. Man City.

Under Roberto Mancini, man city have won 3 matches out of 3. Impressive start by man city. Hopefully man city gets into the top 4 rather than Liverpool.

Ok. I have tot abt it all day (actually jus 10 mins) and i have decided to end posts with smt special.Oh ya, i will be away because of camp. >< so will be updating my blog at hm.. 6th jan. cya~

Hakke Hasangeki - Eight Divination Signs Destructive Mountain Fist
Character Use : Neji Hyuga

Saturday, January 2, 2010

First Post that marks the new year


This marks the start of my blog

Let talk abt the latest soccer news since school hasn't started yet.
Arsenal 4 - 1 Portsmouth

Nt a really surprising one as u can see arsenal is 3rd while portsmouth is well.. bottom of the league.

Goals by eduardo(27) , nasri(41) , ramsey( 68) n song(81). Shall nt tok abt the portsmouth goal since it doesn't matter much. And hey! Arsenal won 4-1 last time too. Which shld hav been more since they were at home that time.

As u can see from my blog URL its arsenalizationftw so i shall only tok abt arsenal's victory over portsmouth.

Painted my room also at around 12pm which is REALLY TIRING. But that was jus the 1st coat cause we still gt LOTS of paint. And the paint( blue harmony) really works well for my room. ( wanted red n white stripes but parents didn't allow as it stands for the arsenal crest ). Hm.. this gives me an idea that i shld call a artist and then paint a arsenal crest on the wall! But only until my parents strike 4D

A very boring day so i shall not tok anymore. Also feel free to look around at my blog even tho its empty at the moment.

Dunno how to end this so i shall jus leave it blank.