Thursday, February 25, 2010

helloo. common tests are over. YAY.
maybe nt for u.

rawr. cannot play psp. so sad.
then com time still the same. rawr.
and the worst is. i flunk my common test.
for geog, chem , chi n maths.
oh god.

Yay. Inter won Chelsea. OH YEA.
2-1. Milito goal's the best.
Saw it in the com lab wif bryan during geog. hhas.

erm tmr then blog. v.tired

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Omgs. Sorry v.long nvr post.

Um.. won't be posting agn cause of CA1. Abt wed then post okay?
Shooting so fun lols. Yesterday supposed to shoot 10 pellets. Then dunno why gt 13 holes. LOL. Maybe ben accidentally shoot mine. Or i shoot more. Dunno?

Ah... so bored... lols
common test are coming. sad
just had the english one.
surprisingly easy. at least easier than the pratice paper.

omgs. walao eh.
all the referee like blind like that.
or biased.
whr got so fast kick free kick one.
and whr gt 20 plus meter offside still cannot see one.
so wtf

ahs. gtg

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ah... wtf? COMMON TESTS ARE COMING!??!?!??!

sorry long time no post.
even this post is in a hurry -.-

Thursday, February 4, 2010

hello agn.

Long time no post. I noe that.
All because of homework. Blame my teachers. They stink. jkjk

Erm i actually doing hw now so yeah.... This post will be SHORT.

I was searching the net abt irony and i found smt pretty interesting.
I am a nobody. Nobody is perfect. Which means i'm perfect. =D

hhas. enough of the self praise -.-

Ah... Jus went to see a play abt '' one small step ''
Nt bad but could be better.
If they can cut down on the stupid things...

Erm off to do my work now.
Toldya it would be short.